Ann Jones AM
Chair of Children and Young People Committee
National Assembly for Wales
Cardiff Bay
CF99 1NA


                                                                                                18 June 2013


Dear Ann,                                                                                                   

As you know, Finance Committee took evidence from Education and Skills Minister Leighton Andrews at our meeting on June 12, where we considered some of the financial issues around the Further and Higher Education (Governance and Information) (Wales) Bill.


While we were satisfied that legislation is required to return the sector to its original ONS classification, we still have concerns about the Minister’s intentions in relation to non-legislative controls over the sector. The Minister said, ‘We may need to look at the financial memorandum and conditions of funding’ and agreed to provide a note to Finance Committee, he said ‘The key element will be around borrowing.


Finance Committee recommends that the Minister and ONS ensure they agree a definition of ‘non-regulatory controls’ to ensure that this proposed legislation achieves its intended purpose.









Thank you for inviting me to attend the session of Children & Young People Committee as you conclude your deliberations on the bill.                                                                                       



Yours Sincerely

Jocelyn Davies AC
Jocelyn Davies AM